Dabur Odomos Mosquito Killer Racquet is a one stop solution to kill mosquitoes, flies, or critters instantly! Easy to handle, its smooth yet comfortable grip allows you to catch and kill bugs right on time! Made with high grade ABS plastic, it provides all- day protection from mosquitoes by covering a larger net area and a battery life that lasts upto one month.
Know About Disease | August,18,2018
In the season of monsoon everybody loves rain but we all know monsoon has its downsides too. And the downside for all of us are mo...
Know About Disease | October,21,2022
Come summer and the problem of blood sucking mosquitoes hits an all time high. Though mosquitoes are small, they carry some of the most deadly viruses, which can cause diseases like malaria, chikungunya, dengue and other fatal diseases. So, staying prepared in advance is the best way to stay protected.
Know About Disease | October,11,2021
Mosquitoes are never good news! They bite you; they suck your blood and then leave you feeling sick. But ever wondered why do mosq...
You might be under lockdown but disease-causing mosquitoes are not! Odomos guarantees 100% protection from dengue mosquitoes. #StayHome #StaySafe