Dabur Odomos Mosquito Repellent Cream, an innovative product, with the goodness of Almond Oil and Vitamin-E, protects you from deadly diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya and Malaria. It gives protection for up to 12 hours. Ideal for the kids, the cream makes you virtually invisible and the mosquitoes are unable to bite you.
Know About Disease | October,21,2022
Come summer and the problem of blood sucking mosquitoes hits an all time high. Though mosquitoes are small, they carry some of the most deadly viruses, which can cause diseases like malaria, chikungunya, dengue and other fatal diseases. So, staying prepared in advance is the best way to stay protected.
Know About Disease | September,21,2021
Summers bring with it the swarm of blood thirsty mosquitoes. Annoying buzzes and itchy bites are not the only things that make mos...
Know About Disease | August,17,2021
Ever heard the buzzing sound during night or daytime? Or ever felt the flickering pain of getting bitten while you are playing or ...
You might be under lockdown but disease-causing mosquitoes are not! Odomos guarantees 100% protection from dengue mosquitoes. #StayHome #StaySafe