Dabur Odomos Naturals Lotion contains natural benefits of Citronella and Aloe Vera and can be applied evenly on skin. It gives all- day protection from mosquitoes- in & out of home. The effect of the same lasts upto 12 hours and is even suitable for babies.
Know About Disease | October,11,2021
The monsoon season is a respite for everyone as it comes after summers and refreshes everyone. However, we should not forget that ...
Know About Disease | September,20,2021
The joy of monsoons brings a lot of dangerous elements along with it. It’s important for everyone to know about and be on the safe...
Know About Disease | September,20,2022
Monsoons are the most exciting times to enjoy your surroundings but it can be equally frightening too. Whether you are inside or o...
You might be under lockdown but disease-causing mosquitoes are not! Odomos guarantees 100% protection from dengue mosquitoes. #StayHome #StaySafe