




    Japanese encephalitis is a viral disease that infects both, animals and humans. It is transmitted by mosquitoes and in humans it causes inflammation of the membranes around the brain. For prevention of diseases caused by mosquitoes it is advisable to use Odomos mosquito repellent cream or mosquito repellent lotion.

  • CURE

    • Currently there is no treatment for curing Japanese Encephalitis but with effective vaccines the disease can be prevented.

    • Proper rest, drinking fluids, and using pain relievers and medication may reduce fever and give relief.

    • Applying a thin layer of natural mosquito repellent cream may help in protecting from mosquito bites.

    • The cure for this disease involves management of diseases.


    • An effective killed vaccine is available for Japanese Encephalitis, but it is expensive and requires one primary vaccination followed by two boosters.

    • An inexpensive live-attenuated vaccine is used in China, but is not available elsewhere.

    • Chemical vector control is not a solution, as the breeding sites (irrigated rice fields) are extensive.

    • Eliminating the pig population is often a measure taken in the wake of outbreaks.

    • Personal protection against mosquito bites by using Odomos mosquito repellent gel will be effective under certain conditions.

    • Verified by the Indian Institute of Toxicology, Odomos gives 100% protection both inside and outside the house against mosquitoes. Kids can wear mosquito repellent wristband for their protection from mosquitoes. Odomos is also safe on babies as proven by KEM Hospital, Mumbai.


    • Japanese encephalitis has an incubation period of 5 to 15 days and the vast majority of infections are asymptomatic.

    • However, in about 1 in 200 cases the symptoms of Japanese Encephalitis are severe. Applying a thin layer of mosquito repellent can help in protection from mosquitoes

    • After a bite from an infected mosquito, it will take between 5 and 16 days for symptoms to appear.

    ⇒ Mild symptoms

    For most people, Japanese Encephalitis has no symptoms or only mild, flu-like symptoms, such as headache or slightly high temperature.

    ⇒ Severe symptoms

    • High temperature (fever) of 38°C (100.4°F) or more

    • Headache

    • Vomiting

    • Neck stiffness

    • Confusion

    • Feeling weak

    • Coma

    • Seizures (fits or convulsions)

    • Focal neurological deficits (a problem with a nerve in a specific location, such as the tongue)

    • Movement problems, such as shaking, stiffness, slowness of movement or paralysis

    • Meningitis (an infection of the meninges, which are the protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord)

    • These symptoms can appear suddenly and get rapidly worse.

    • In around 1 in 300 cases of Japanese Encephalitis, the symptoms develop into encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).

    • Around 30% of those who survive a severe case of JE may be left with permanent damage to their central nervous system (the brain, nerves and spinal cord), such as:

    ⇒ Paralysis

    ⇒ Ataxia (loss of physical coordination)

    ⇒ Speech difficulties

    How does it spread?

    • The virus causing JE is transmitted by mosquitoes belonging to the Culex tritaeniorhynchus and Culex vishnui groups, which breed particularly in flooded rice fields.

    • The virus circulates in ardeid birds (herons and egrets).

    • Pigs are amplifying hosts but do not cause disease.

    • In pigs the virus reproduces and infects mosquitoes that bite them.

    • The virus tends to spill over into human populations when infected mosquito populations build up explosively and the human biting rate increases.

    • Trans placental spread has also been noted in case of Japanese Encephalitis.

    • Young kids can be protected from this disease by sticking mosquito repellent patch on their clothes or using mosquito repellent spray.



Mosquitoes are one of the world's deadliest living animals. Mosquito-borne ailments or mosquito-borne sicknesses are ailments caused by microbes, infections or parasites transmitted by mosquitoes. These diseases are those of a vector nature and are transmitted biologically, which means that the viruses in question lives inside the mosquito’s body and is transmitted through a mosquito bite.

As of lately. the rate of contamination has risen drastically, and a developing number of researchers are currently worried that an unnatural weather change will convert into a dangerous development of mosquito-borne diseases around the world.


There is no specific treatment for dengue fever. For severe dengue, medical care by physicians and nurses experienced with the effects and progression of the disease can save lives – decreasing mortality rates from more than 20% to less than 1%. Maintenance of the patient's body fluid volume is critical to severe dengue care.


One of the most effective ways to prevent dengue is to use the range of natural mosquito repellent products by Odomos. The range includes:

• Odomos Naturals Mosquito Repellent Cream with Cintronella and Aloe Vera / Odomos Naturals Mosquito Repellent Lotion

• Odomos Mosquito Repellent Cream with Vitamin E / Odomos Natural Mosquito Repellent Gel with Moisturiser / Odomos Mosquito Spray

Some other simple steps include:

• Wearing shoes, socks, long pants and long-sleeved shirt

• Using mosquito nets

• Cleaning up the surrounding and not allowing water to stagnate.


Dengue fever is a severe, flu-like illness that affects infants, young children and adults, but seldom causes death. Dengue should be suspected when a high fever (40°C/ 104°F) is accompanied by two of the following symptoms: severe headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pains, nausea, vomiting, swollen glands or rash. Symptoms usually last for 2–7 days, after an incubation period of 4–10 days after the bite from an infected mosquito. Severe dengue is a potentially deadly complication due to plasma leaking, fluid accumulation, respiratory distress, severe bleeding, or organ impairment. Warning signs occur 3–7 days after the first symptoms in conjunction with a decrease in temperature (below 38°C/ 100°F) and include: severe abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, rapid breathing, bleeding gums, fatigue, restlessness, blood in vomit. The next 24–48 hours of the critical stage can be lethal; proper medical care is needed to avoid complications and risk of death.


WHAT IS Malaria?

Dabur Odomos Naturals Cream with natural Citronella and Aloe Vera protects you from deadly diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya and Malaria.Dabur Odomos Naturals Cream with natural Citronella and Aloe Vera protects you from deadly diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya and Malaria.Dabur Odomos Naturals Cream with natural Citronella and Aloe Vera protects you from deadly diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya and Malaria.Dabur Odomos Naturals Cream with natural Citronella and Aloe Vera protects you from deadly diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya and Malaria.


Early diagnosis and treatment of malaria reduces disease and prevents deaths. It also contributes to reducing malaria transmission. The best available treatment, particularly for P. falciparum malaria, is artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT). WHO recommends that all cases of suspected malaria be confirmed using parasite-based diagnostic testing (either microscopy or rapid diagnostic test) before administering treatment. Results of parasitological confirmation can be available in 15 minutes or less. Treatment solely on the basis of symptoms should only be considered when a parasitological diagnosis is not possible.


Prevention of malaria can aim at either

For individuals, personal protection against mosquito bites represents the first line of defence for malaria prevention. Two forms of vector control are effective in a wide range of circumstances. Insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) are the preferred form of ITNs for public health distribution programmes. WHO recommends coverage for all at-risk persons; and in most settings. The most cost effective way to achieve this is through provision of free LLINs, so that everyone sleeps under a LLIN every night. Indoor spraying with residual insecticides indoor residual spraying (IRS) with insecticides is a powerful way to rapidly reduce malaria transmission. Its full potential is realized when at least 80% of houses in targeted areas are sprayed. Indoor spraying is effective for 3–6 months, depending on the insecticide used and the type of surface on which it is sprayed. DDT can be effective for 9–12 months in some cases. Longer-lasting forms of existing IRS insecticides, as well as new classes of insecticides for use in IRS programmes, are under development. Antimalarial medicines can also be used to prevent malaria. For travellers, malaria can be prevented through chemoprophylaxis, which suppresses the blood stage of malaria infections, thereby preventing malaria disease. In addition, WHO recommends intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for pregnant women living in high transmission areas, during the second and third trimesters. Similarly, for infants living in high-transmission areas of Africa, 3 doses of intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine is recommended delivered alongside routine vaccinations. In 2012, WHO recommended Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention as an additional malaria control strategy for areas of the Sahel sub-Region of Africa. The strategy involves the administration of monthly courses of amodiaquine plus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine to all children under 5 years of age during the high transmission season.


Malaria is an acute febrile illness. In a non-immune individual, symptoms appear seven days or more (usually 10–15 days) after the infective mosquito bite. The first symptoms – fever, headache, chills and vomiting – may be mild and difficult to recognize as malaria. If not treated within 24 hours, P. falciparum malaria can lead to severe illness often leading to death. Children with severe malaria frequently develop one or more of the following symptoms: severe anaemia, respiratory distress in relation to metabolic acidosis, or cerebral malaria. In adults, multi-organ involvement is also frequent. In malaria endemic areas, persons may develop partial immunity, allowing asymptomatic infections to occur.



Dabur Odomos Naturals Cream with natural Citronella and Aloe Vera protects you from deadly diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya and Malaria.Dabur Odomos Naturals Cream with natural Citronella and Aloe Vera protects you from deadly diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya and Malaria.Dabur Odomos Naturals Cream with natural Citronella and Aloe Vera protects you from deadly diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya and Malaria.Dabur Odomos Naturals Cream with natural Citronella and Aloe Vera protects you from deadly diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya and Malaria.


There is no antiviral drug or medicine specifically for Chikungunya. But since chikungunya is cured by immune system in almost all cases there is no need to worry. Treatment usually is for the symptoms and includes taking sufficient rest, taking more fluid food and medicines to relieve pain (paracetamol for example). Aspirin should be avoided. Honey and lime mix is found to have soothing effect on the disease. Avoiding specific medicines is actually recommended for quick recovery. Also very mild exercise to joints can help ease the pain. Currently there is no vaccination against Chikungunya. Research is ongoing on the development of DNA vaccination against Chikungunya. Usually the disease starts to decrease in intensity after 3 days and it may take up to 2 weeks for recovery. But in elderly the recovery is very slow and may take upto 3 months. In some cases the joint pain can last even upto a year!

Ayurveda treatment of Chikungunya Since there is no medicine for Chikungunya in allopathy, people increasingly turning to traditional indian medicines (ayurveda). Ayurveda treatment of Chikungunya uses herbal drugs. Some of the kashayams (concoctions) prescribed are Amritarishta, Maha Sudarshan Churna, panchathiktha kashayam, Sudarshan Churnam, Dhanvantaram Gutika and Amruthotharam Kashayam. Ancient ayurveda describes a similar condition called Sandhijwara which is similar to Chikungunya in its symptoms (joint pain). Hence some of the medicines can sooth joint pain. At the same time there are reports of fake medicines in which steroids are added. These can cause severe side effects in long term. Hence the best advice is to take rest and drink plenty of fluid food! (corrected version – replace ‘fluid food’ with ‘fluid’)

Homeopathic treatment of Chikungunya

According to homeopathic experts effective drugs are available to prevent as well as to speed up recovery from Chikungunya. In some of the south Indian cities (cities in South) this type of treatment is tried out. It is claimed that the medicine Eupatorium perf can prevent Chikungunya infection. Other medicines prescribed for the disease include Pyroginum, Rhus-tox, Cedron, Influenzinum, China and Arnica


Currently there is no vaccine for Chikungunya. There is only way to prevent Chikungunya fever - don't get bit by a mosquito! This is easier said than done in a tropical area such as India. Some of the following precautions can help reduce the risk of mosquito bites, Reducing the risk of mosquito bite

• Use mosquito net when sleeping during daytime.

• Wear dress which covers most of the body. Also there are mosquito repellents available which can be applied on dress materials.

• Use mosquito coils or Mosquito repellents (which contain Picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus or DEET). But you should be aware that prolonged use of these is not recommended. Also ensure adequate ventilation when these are used.

• Use curtains or window nets which prevent entry of mosquitos to the house.

• Use of mosquito repellent cream or mosquito spray that can be applied on skin. This masks body odour and effectively you are invisible from mosquito. Very handy if you are visiting an area where Chikungunya is reported.

Another way to reduce the mosquite bite is to take steps to reduce its breeding. This needs to be a community effort since only one individual alone cannot achieve much. Some of the following steps can be taken to reduce mosquito breeding in your area,

How to reduce mosquito breeding?

The circled areas on the image displayed on the right side shows possible mosquito breeding sites.

• Drain all the water collected around your house (for example in a pot or water cooler).

• Ensure that drainages etc. are either closed or chemicals are applied which kill mosquito larvae (larvicides).

• Another technique is to collect water in a container and once mosquitoes lay eggs in it destroy them. This technique can be quite effective if multiple people apply it at their area.

• If there is a pond which contains stagnant water, biological method is best. Fish varieties such as guppy can be introduced in the pond which will eat all the mosquito larvae.

• Note that most infection happens occur outside the house and hence mosquito control is the most effective way to prevent Chikungunya outbreak. It is also important that patients with infection don't get bitten by mosquito.

• Redness in eye and difficulty in looking at light.

• Severe fever with headache and joint pain.

• Rashes may also appear usually on limbs and trunks.



Dabur Odomos Naturals Cream with natural Citronella and Aloe Vera protects you from deadly diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya and Malaria.Dabur Odomos Naturals Cream with natural Citronella and Aloe Vera protects you from deadly diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya and Malaria.Dabur Odomos Naturals Cream with natural Citronella and Aloe Vera protects you from deadly diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya and Malaria.Dabur Odomos Naturals Cream with natural Citronella and Aloe Vera protects you from deadly diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya and Malaria.


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An effective killed vaccine is available for Japanese Encephalitis, but it is expensive and requires one primary vaccination followed by two boosters. An inexpensive live-attenuated vaccine is used in China, but is not available elsewhere.

Chemical vector control is not a solution, as the breeding sites (irrigated rice fields) are extensive. Eliminating the pig population is often a measure taken in the wake of outbreaks.

Personal protection against mosquito bites by using Odomos mosquito repellent will be effective under certain conditions. Verified by the Indian Institute of Toxicology, Odomos gives 100% protection both inside and outside the house against mosquitoes. Odomos is also safe on babies as proven by KEM Hospital, Mumbai.


Japanese encephalitis has an incubation period of 5 to 15 days and the vast majority of infections are asymptomatic. However, in about 1 in 200 cases the symptoms of Japanese Encephalitis are severe.

After a bite from an infected mosquito, it will take between 5 and 16 days for symptoms to appear.

Mild symptoms

For most people, Japanese Encephalitis has no symptoms or only mild, flu-like symptoms, such as headache or slightly high temperature.

Severe symptoms

• High temperature (fever) of 38°C (100.4°F) or more

• Headache

• Vomiting

• Neck stiffness

• Confusion

• Feeling weak

• Coma

• Seizures (fits or convulsions)

• Focal neurological deficits (a problem with a nerve in a specific location, such as the tongue)

• Movement problems, such as shaking, stiffness, slowness of movement or paralysis

• Meningitis (an infection of the meninges, which are the protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord)

These symptoms can appear suddenly and get rapidly worse. In around 1 in 300 cases of Japanese Encephalitis, the symptoms develop into encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). Around 30% of those who survive a severe case of JE may be left with permanent damage to their central nervous system (the brain, nerves and spinal cord), such as:

• Paralysis

• Ataxia (loss of physical coordination)

• Speech difficulties

How does it spread?

The virus causing JE is transmitted by mosquitoes belonging to the Culex tritaeniorhynchus and Culex vishnui groups, which breed particularly in flooded rice fields.

The virus circulates in ardeid birds (herons and egrets). Pigs are amplifying hosts but do not cause disease. In pigs the virus reproduces and infects mosquitoes that bite them. The virus tends to spill over into human populations when infected mosquito populations build up explosively and the human biting rate increases.

Transplacental spread has also been noted in case of Japanese Encephalitis.

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You might be under lockdown but disease-causing mosquitoes are not! Odomos guarantees 100% protection from dengue mosquitoes. #StayHome #StaySafe