Best Ways to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Monsoon Season

Monsoons come with many reasons to celebrate with your friends and play some outdoor games. But it also brings with itself many diseases. One of the most prominent diseases that occur in this season are due to standing water mosquitoes. There’s a list of diseases caused in rainy season and most of them are caused by different types of mosquitoes . The ways that keep mosquitoes away effectively are some of the general practices and natural methods.

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Rainy Season?

Try out these easy methods to stay safe all day.

  1. Clear out standing water-

    How to prevent mosquito breeding in stagnant water?

    Always look around your yard or locality to check if there’s any place where there is stag-nant water. Rainfall leads to filling of excess water inside unused tyres, pots, holes, dust-bins and any other materials which are not in use. Clear these spaces immediately to pre-vent mosquitoes from breeding. You can also use mosquito repellent spray or mosquito repellent roll on to protect yourself from mosquito bites.

  2. Keep doors and windows closed -

    There is humidity in the atmosphere during rainy season which is a favorable environment condition for mosquitoes to breed. Hence, it’s advisable to keep all the doors and windows closed during rainy season, mostly in the evening time and keep yourself safe from rainy season diseases.
    Also Read: Most Common Mosquito Breeding Sites

  3. Use camphor –

    Camphor can be used to keep mosquitoes at bay due to its scent. You can always keep them on a heated surface or inside water. Make sure that you keep it away from the reach of children and pets. Try some of the home remedies for malaria to treat the symptoms at its initial stage.

  4. Use natural plants and shrubs –

    You don’t want to fly the buzzing mosquitoes off your ears and hands, rather you must look for natural ideas for keeping these deadly mosquitoes at bay. Tulsi has been referred to have several medicinal properties, one of them involves stopping mosquitoes from enter-ing your home. So, you can always plant a Tulsi outside or inside your home to have a care-free time with your loved ones. This is also the best way to get rid of monsoon-related diseases.
    Also Read: Plants That Keeps Mosquito Away

  5. Use mosquito repellent sprays and cream –

    This is one of the easiest and 99.9% sure method to keep yourself away from any kind of harmful mosquitoes by using a mosquito repellent . Apply one of the best quality and natural mosquito repellent cream like Odomos to make sure that you stay unaffected by mosquitoes for more than 8 hours. This mosquito repellent fits easily into your travel kits and is available as spray, cream, gel, wristbands, patches and roll-ons.

  6. Use Garlic –

    Garlic has been proven scientifically for having certain elements that makes it one of the best natural mosquito repellents. We all know the pungent taste and smell of garlic and that smell is the way to keep mosquitoes away. To use garlic as a mosquito repellent, you simply need to crush and boil garlic in water. Now spray this solution around to prevent yourself from mosquitoes. Check out chikungunya home remedies as an early treatment on the disease.

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You might be under lockdown but disease-causing mosquitoes are not! Odomos guarantees 100% protection from dengue mosquitoes. #StayHome #StaySafe